Amineptine in the treatment of amphetamine withdrawal:
a placebo-controlled, randomised, double-blind study
Jittiwutikan J, Srisurapanont M, Jarusuraisin N.
Northern Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
J Med Assoc Thai 1997 Sep;80(9):587-92
ABSTRACTTemporary inability to function without amphetamine and the experience of withdrawal syndrome enhance the tendency for repetitive use. The investigators proposed to examine the therapeutic effects of amineptine, an antidepressant with dopamine reuptake inhibition effect, for the treatment of amphetamine withdrawal. The 14-day study was carried out on a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. The authors assessed the severity of amphetamine withdrawal syndrome by using two measures and performed both end-point and intent-to-treat analyses. The results showed that amineptine helped relieve a depressed mood within one week and improved the general condition within 2 weeks. In conclusion, amineptine is effective in rapid relief of depressed mood and improves the general condition of patients with amphetamine withdrawal. Since the amphetamine withdrawal may last for several weeks, studies with longer duration should be conducted before incorporating amineptine into the clinical practice a of amphetamine withdrawal
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Amineptine for amphetamine withdrawal
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